Gallery Wall Tips & Tricks

Interior Gallery Wall Layout



how to

Create the Gallery Wall of Your Dreams

Putting a gallery wall together can be a pretty intimidating task.  We are here to give you a few pointers and help create the feature wall of your dreams!  So grab a glass of wine, let go of your fears and trust in your creative ability!



Choosing your art pieces.

Firstly, we need to stress that there is no right or wrong way when it comes to putting a gallery wall together, as long as you are happy with it and it does the job of bringing some personality to your walls.  

When choosing art, stick to what speaks to you and make sure it's something you love.  We recommend picking one main anchor piece, which you can build on by bringing in similar (or contrasting) styles and colour palettes.   Don't be scared to choose various sizes and layouts to add interest.  

Browse our large collection of wall art including botanical prints, photographic prints, vintage illustrations or even some text art posters.  Add a few photos from recent travels with our easy Custom Photo Printing option, or pick something from our large collection of Travel Posters.



Finding the layout that strikes balance.

Once you have selected a few pieces that speak to you - lay them out on the floor and play around with a few different layouts, working around your anchor piece and moving things around until you find the correct balance. 

You can also map out your layout on the wall with either some masking tape or paper cutouts of your frame sizes.  Some store bought frames have paper inserts which can be used for this, which makes life pretty simple. 


We have put together some suggestions for layouts if you need more guidance.



Framing your art


Again, this will be up to your personal style and preference.  If your space lends to more of a contemporary feel, then either go with a straightforward simple frame, or add some contrast by adding more traditional frames with intricate details and finishes.

If choosing frame colours is adding extra anxiety into the mix, just stick to white frames, it's always a safe bet. Our frame sizes go up to A3.

If you are confident enough to mix it up, then go wild with different colours, textures and finishes, this will create more of an eclectic feel. 

 Gallery wall layout eclecticImage by

Get out the drill


If you aren't too confident with the drill, you can chat to your closest handy man for some assistance here.  Alternatively, if your frames aren't that heavy, a Hilty and some Hilty nails will do the trick, which is a much less invasive procedure than drilling holes into your walls.  If you aren't ready for the commitment of nails in the wall altogether,  you can also go with double sided tape (Check with your nearest hardware for the tape specifically designed for hanging frames on walls)




 Remember, nothing needs to be set in stone, you can always make changes or switch pictures around in the frames.  There's nothing that a bit of pollyfiller can't fix.



Gallery wall in contemporary decor space


Go for it!  We're always here for some suggestions and help on picking your new gallery wall images.  

Thanks for having great taste!!

🖤 The Nifty Team







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