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Better Together

We are saddened beyond measure with what has been happening in our beautiful South Africa! 🇿🇦
We are proudly South African and we love our country to the core, but what has happened is just not right.
We are sad, we are feeling pain, there are so many unanswered questions. We as a country need to unite, we are better than this... we will be better than this!
For all who are feeling pain, businesses that have been destroyed and jobs that are now lost. In this time we need to put aside our differences and unite, enough is enough!

BETTER TOGETHER South Africa windows campaign!

Better Together windows south africa

We are hoping to spread our BETTER TOGETHER windows campaign throughout South Africa. Signs should be going up in windows all over the country and beyond and we believe this will really help build morale for all South Africans in these difficult times.
FREE Printable Downloads
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If you are able to download and print these for you and your family, please print a few extra copies for your neighbours and fellow South Africans. Together, we will make South Africa better!
Please share your photos on social media and tag #BetterTogetherSA #NiftyPosters
Nifty Posters Stellenbosch, South Africa. |

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We Donate 3 Meals Per Order Your purchase will provide a healthy, balanced, freshly prepared meal to three food-insecure children each school day.